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Revue Extrême-Orient - Extrême-Occident
Nombre de pages : 220
Langue : anglais
Paru le : 12/10/2012
EAN : 9782842923525
Première édition
CLIL : 4036 Asie
Illustration(s) : Non
Dimensions (Lxl) : 220×155 mm
Version papier
EAN : 9782842923525

Version numérique
EAN : 9782842923785

Political rhetoric in early China


L’art de la persuasion politique en Chine ancienne. Les auteurs explorent les stratégies de prise de parole, analysent le développement de procédés stylistiques dans le contexte de l’idéologie monarchiste et impériale.

L’originalité de ces études consiste dans la perspective aménagée : il s’agit d’analyser non pas ce que les penseurs et hommes d’État de Chine ancienne ont dit, mais de comprendre comment et pourquoi ils l’ont dit de telle ou telle façon. Il est aussi question de comprendre comment les conceptions politiques de la Chine ancienne ont orienté le développement de la rhétorique et de l’art de bien écrire.

Exceptionnellement, les articles de ce numéro sont entièrement rédigés en anglais.
Introduction: Political Rhetoric in Early China Paul van Els & Elisa Sabattini     

I. Difficulties and Dangers of Political Persuasion

Sly Mouths and Silver Tongues: the Dynamics of Psychological Persuasion in Ancient China Albert Galvany  

Rhetoric that Kills, Rhetoric that Heals Romain Graziani  

II. Overt and Covert Rhetoric against Ruling Elites

Alienating Rhetoric in the Book of Lord Shang and its moderation Yuri Pines            “Waiting for the Sages of Later Generations”: Is there a Rhetoric of Treason in the Shiji? Dorothee Schaab-Hanke  

III. Stories and Slogans as Rhetorical Tool

Tilting Vessels and Collapsing Walls—On the Rhetorical Function of Anecdotes in Early Chinese Texts Paul van Els      

“People as Root” (min ben) Rhetoric in the New Writings by Jia Yi (200-168) Elisa Sabattini   

IV.Regards extérieurs

Political Rhetoric in China and in Imperial Rome : the Persuader, the Ruler, the Audience Alexander Yakobson      

Just Words, Right Words Gabrielle Radica      

Abstracts 提要 Bio-bibliographical notes
Voir Abstract : les articles de ce numéro sont entièrement rédigés en anglais.
Albert Galvany Sly Mouths and Silver Tongues: the Dynamics of Psychological Persuasion in Ancient China

The philosophical adventure begins in ancient China with a clear consciousness of the power and the potential dangers deriving from the rhetorical use of words. In spite of all the efforts made by Confucius in order to subjugate discourse to an ethical code and to certify a strict and appropriate relationship between names and deeds, the truth is that the Warring States period is characterized by the increasing intellectual and political influence of a new class of orators who, stripped of any moral attachment, consider persuasion from a purely strategic perspective. As in the art of war, as it was understood in early China, this kind of persuasion based on psychological skills needs malleability, adaptability, simulation and dissimulation; exhaustive knowledge about the adversary and, at the same time, impenetrable secrecy and opacity concerning one’s own intentions. In my paper, I will try to show the essential dynamics of these rhetorical techniques as well as some of the most relevant attempts to neutralize and evade the persuasive capacity of orators, diplomats and counsellors.

Romain Graziani Rhetoric that Kills, Rhetoric that Heals

The political context of a throng of courtiers engaged in keen competition to be heard by a lord whose power was not limited by any institutional mechanism, accounts for the highly risky and often deadly game of political persuasion in the pre-imperial period. In this article I examine how early Chinese speeches of persuasion hover between reason and treason, salvation and suicide. Without seeking to exhaust the wealth and ambiguities of each text drawn on, I aim to identify and evaluate contrasting attitudes, ranging from cognitive optimism to moral pessimism, regarding the capacity of language to convince and influence the listener or improve his behavior.

After analyzing in the Han Feizi and in the Intrigues of the Warring States a type of deliberative rhetoric that disregards moral ends, I turn to situations where, for once, rhetoric does not serve the purpose of winning a case, obtaining something specific or defeating an opponent, but seeks to accomplish the highest task of the educated man (shi) : that of changing the ruler, reforming his mind, triggering a process of transformation that may have an impact on the political body at large.

Yuri Pines Alienating Rhetoric in the Book of Lord Shang and its Moderation

The Book of Lord Shang, supposedly composed by Shang Yang (d. 338 bce) and his disciples, is one of the most controversial texts of the Warring States period. Aside from engagement in what may be defined as “normal” polemics with ideological opponents, the authors at times adopt a radically alienating rhetoric, assaulting ideas and values which were overwhelmingly cherished by members of the educated elite. This rhetoric is fully visible in two chapters (3 and 4), which apparently belong to the early layer of the book. There, the authors deride fundamental moral values; call for establishing a regime in which “scoundrels rule the good people”; and advocate military victory by performing “whatever the enemy is ashamed of.” These pronouncements may explain the strongly negative reaction that the Book of Lord Shang and its putative author, Shang Yang, generated among intellectuals from the Warring States period, throughout the imperial era and well into our time.

In my article I argue that while the rhetoric adopted in the two early chapters of the Book of Lord Shang was alienating for most readers, it could have targeted those members of the intellectual elite who were attracted by the text’s novelty and freedom from conventions. I further show how this harsh rhetoric was moderated in the later layers of the Book of Lord Shang and conclude that analyzing the changing rhetorical patterns in the text may help us to understand better its nature, composition, and the periodization of individual chapters.

Dorothee Schaab-Hanke “Waiting for The Sages of Later Generations”: Is there a Rhetoric of Treason in the Shiji ?

This paper explores five passages in the Shiji in which the author addresses sages and superior men of later generations and encourages them to draw conclusions from the historical facts presented there. All five passages allude to one specific passage in the Gongyang zhuan, a text that transmits the teachings of Confucius relating to the “Spring and Autumn” Annals (Chunqiu). Under the entry relating to the 14th reign year of Duke Ai of Lu (481) in which the capture of a unicorn is recorded, the Gongyang commentary reports on Confucius’ reaction to this event: the arrival of this auspicious animal meant to him that the time had come to devote his work to sages and superior men of later generations.

Closer examination of the five Shiji chapters in which the allusion to the Gongyang zhuan occurs reveals that they all discuss aspects related to the rule of a sage. These aspects are all—directly or indirectly—related to measures taken by Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (r. 141-87), implying that this emperor can scarcely be regarded as a sage ruler. Importantly, in all five cases the intention behind this emperor’s deeds is given more weight than the deed itself. However, as will be argued, the historiographer’s critical assessment is more than merely a warning addressed to his emperor in the hope he might change his mind and become a sage ruler in the end. Rather, by using this allusion to the Gongyang zhuan the historiographer passes a final judgement on his own emperor, by devoting his work, very much like Confucius before him, only to the readers of a future generation. By doing so, the historiographer incurred the risk of being charged with high treason, but this did not prevent him from fulfilling the duty of an “excellent scribe” (liangshi), namely compiling a “true record” (shilu).

Paul van Els Tilting Vessels and Collapsing WallsOn the Rhetorical Function of Anecdotes in Early Chinese Texts

Early Chinese argumentative texts are full of historical anecdotes. These short accounts of events in Chinese history enhance the appeal of the text, but they also have an important rhetorical function in helping the reader understand, accept, and remember the arguments propounded in the text. In this paper I examine the rhetorical function of historical anecdotes in two argumentative texts of the Western Han dynasty (202 bce-9 ce): Han’s Illustrations of the Odes for Outsiders and The Master of Huainan. These two texts found creative use for anecdotes, namely as illustrations of quotations from canonical sources. Through case studies of several combinations of anecdotes and quotations, I argue that the combinations serve to present the creators of these texts as beacons of knowledge with profound understanding of historical events and canonical literature, and with the necessary skills to fruitfully combine the two.

Elisa Sabattini “People as Root” (min ben) Rhetoric in the New Writings by Jia Yi (200-168)

The ancient idea of the “people as root,” which experienced a revival in China starting from the early twentieth century, is usually related to the philosophy of Confucius (551-479 bce) and Mengzi (ca 379-304 bce). Contrary to the traditional reading, which perceives the manifestation of virtues that benefit the people as the key to genuine leadership, this paper aims to stress the rhetorical use of the expression “people as root” and mainly focuses on the “Great Command, Part I” and “Great Command, Part II” of the New Writings, a collection of texts ascribed to the Former Han empire (202 bce-9 ce) scholar Jia Yi (200-168 bce). Its appeal to “the people” is due to its “emotive connotation” rather than signifying a concrete set of people-oriented policies and the “people as root” easily became a rhetorical device. The “people as root” is part of the political phraseology of Jia Yi and is strongly influenced by statesmen such as Shang Yang (d. 338), Shen Buhai (d. 337) and Han Feizi (d. 233). According to Jia Yi, the people—the grassroots of the empire—are potentially dangerous and must be controlled.

Introduction: Political Rhetoric in Early China Paul van Els & Elisa Sabattini Introduction Early Chinese thought enjoys a wide appeal, in the scholarly world as much as elsewhere, as people are keen on learning about the ideas of Confucius, Mencius, and other thinkers whose views have shaped traditional Chinese culture. In the study of early Chinese thought, emphasis has long been on what thinkers said, not on how they proffered their views. Even studies that do consider the how, tend to focus on logic and argumentation, rather than rhetoric. Fortunately, in the past few decades growing attention has been paid to Chinese rhetoric which has led to an impressive number of publications. This issue of Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident feeds into the current debate on Chinese rhetoric by exploring facets that have hitherto been underemphasized, if explored at all. In this introduction, brief outlines of rhetoric in the West and in China are followed by synopses of the six articles in this issue. 1. Rhetoric in the West Rhetoric, from the Greek word rhētōrikē (ῥητορική), traditionally denotes the civic art of speaking in law courts and other formal and political occasions, especially in the democracies of Syracuse and Athens. Rhetoric is often said to have been “invented” in the city-state of Syracuse in the fifth century bce. After the expulsion in 467 bce of two tyrant kings, Gelon and Hieron I, citizens were instructed in the art of speech in order to reclaim property seized during the heyday of the two tyrants.1 This is when, allegedly, the first rhetorical handbooks were composed.2 The democracy of Athens inherited the Syracusian teaching of rhetoric. In Athens, citizens were part of the penal courts. Those who took it upon themselves to accuse or defend a suspect, delivered a public speech in order to convince the jury, which was also made up of citizens. An extensive technical vocabulary and refined techniques were required in order to polish one’s argument, arrangement, style, and delivery for persuading the jury. In Syracuse and Athens, the first attempts were made to describe features of a persuasive speech and to teach people how to plan and deliver one. From then on, the study of rhetoric gradually became a regular part of the formal education of young men, and it pervaded not only debate in law courts, where it was born, but also in other activities, such as the literary production of poetry and prose. At the risk of oversimplifying, three kinds of rhetoric can be discerned in the West, at least according to Chaïm Perelman: ancient rhetoric, classical rhetoric, and new rhetoric.3 Ancient rhetoric refers to rhetorical theories developed and practiced in ancient Greece and the Roman world. Important representatives include Aristotle (384-322 bce), Cicero (106-143 bce), and Quintilianus (ca 35-100 ce). Aristotle, the great theoretician of rhetoric, famously identified three kinds of persuasive speech (political, legal, ceremonial) and three ways in which persuasion is accomplished (ethos, pathos, logos). Cicero, the great practitioner of rhetoric, emphasized the importance of various forms of appeal in oratory, and stressed that orators must be knowledgeable not just about specific cases of argumentation, but about all areas of human life and culture. Quintilianus, the great teacher of rhetoric, formalized rhetorical training. Classical rhetoric, as understood by Perelman, started in the sixteenth century with Pierre de La Ramée (1515-1572), who rejected many aspects of ancient rhetorical argumentation, except for elocution (the study of the ornate style). His friend Omer Talon (ca 1510-1562) was responsible for the first book dedicated exclusively to rhetorical figures (ornate style). Perelman associates the death of ancient rhetoric and the birth of classical rhetoric with these two men. From the mid-sixteenth century to the mid-twentieth century, rhetoric was mostly confined to the study of stylistic devices, such as metaphors. This identification of rhetoric with style is often considered a limitation of the discipline of rhetoric as understood and taught in antiquity, where rhetoric was thought to cover much more than just style. Classical rhetoric is hence seen by Perelman as a pale shadow of ancient rhetoric, and Kennedy likewise defines it as “secondary” rhetoric.4 New rhetoric gradually came about through the works of Burke, Perelman, and others, from the 1950s and particularly the 1970s onwards.5 It goes back to ancient rhetoric, but its audience has grown. Whereas ancient rhetoric was devised to persuade a group of people in the presence of the speaker, in new rhetoric the audience can range from one person (an internal monologue) to mankind at large. In addition, new rhetoric does not limit persuasion to speech or writing, but also considers other forms of communication. The general idea is that there is no such thing as a non-rhetorical discourse. Rather, rhetoric is that quality in discourse by which agents (speakers, writers, and so on) seek to persuade (or convince, seduce, mesmerize, and so on) their audience. Hence, using Kennedy’s words, in “speaking, writing, hearing, and reading, we are better off if we understand the process” of rhetoric.6 2. Rhetoric in China Traditionally, the study of rhetoric in the West did not concern itself with non-Western forms of rhetoric. Scholars who did look beyond the geographical boundaries of their field faced severe obstacles, such as the language barrier, as they relied on available translations. Their studies are naturally hampered by the limited number of translated texts, where the quality of the translation may have left something to be desired.7 Fortunately, the situation has gradually improved in the last century, particularly during the last few decades. For Chinese rhetoric, pioneering studies include Crump and Dreher’s short papers “Peripatetic Rhetors of the Warring Kingdoms” and “Pre-Han Persuasion” from the early 1950s. These have been followed by a steady flow of books and articles from the 1960s all the way to the present day. Underlying most of these publications appears to be a desire to explore other forms of rhetoric, or to counterbalance the perceived Western monopoly of rhetoric. In recent years a more pragmatic motivation for studying Chinese rhetoric has arisen, as teachers in the West are increasingly exposed to students from different rhetorical traditions. This led to a special issue of the journal College English (March 2010) and to Kirkpatrick and Xu’s book Chinese Rhetoric and Writing: An Introduction for Language Teachers (2012). Questions pervading publications on Chinese rhetoric include: What is Chinese rhetoric? Where do we find it? How does it correspond to, or differ from, rhetoric in the West? Answers to these questions vary, depending on the chosen approach. Let us look at a few influential approaches. One way to study Chinese rhetoric is to select Greek rhetorical figures and show examples of their use in Chinese literature, as Unger does in his Rhetorik des klassischen Chinesisch. Offering Chinese examples for a plethora of Greek rhetorical figures—such as anaphora, ellipsis, and chiasmus—Unger shows that Chinese writers were perfectly capable of using such figures. Still, despite its obvious merits, Unger’s approach is not without problems. For instance, a Greek rhetorical figure may be successfully identified in a Chinese text, but that still does not mean it was “applied consistently and deliberately” by Chinese writers.8 Moreover, in some cases it takes a rather liberal translation or subjective interpretation of a Chinese passage to make it correspond to a Greek rhetorical figure. For example, Unger uses the saying “the grace of a woman is boundless, the rancor of a wife knows no end” to show that synonyms were used to avoid repetition of words.9 However, the words “woman” (nü) and “wife” (fu) in this saying are not used merely for variation, but as references to different types of females (unmarried vs married).10 This leads to a more fundamental problem of the approach, namely that it analyzes the Chinese situation through the lens of Greek rhetoric, which inevitably involves some amount of fitting square blocks into round holes. Through the Greek prism, with its well-defined understanding of rhetoric, any non-Western type likely falls short, much in the same way that the ancient Greeks and Romans may not pass if Chinese forms of rhetoric were to be used as a yard stick.11 In full recognition of these difficulties, several scholars, including Oliver and Garrett, emphasize the importance of examining the Chinese rhetorical tradition in its own terms.12 Taking this advice to heart, a number of studies have appeared focusing on technical vocabulary used in early Chinese disputation, such as bian “dispute, debate,” shui “discuss, persuade,” and shuo “argue, explain.”13 The studies show that Chinese contemporaries of the ancient Greeks not only used rhetorical strategies, but discussed them at a meta-level with a highly developed technical vocabulary. Regrettably, while these meta-discussions throve in the Warring States period, they seem to have ceased as soon as the First Emperor unified these states under the Qin dynasty, which will be grist to the mill of those who maintain that China’s rhetorical tradition pales in comparison to that of the West. The practice of disputation in China may have been relatively short-lived, but China does have a tradition of writing that goes back several thousand years. Most if not all written texts, such as contemplations by thinkers or petitions by ministers, are aimed at persuading the reader and hence involve rhetoric. Not surprisingly, China has a long tradition of reflections, remarks, and comments on rhetoric in writing. A famous early example is The Literary Mind and the Carving of Dragons (Wenxin diaolong) by Liu Xie (ca 467-522) which, among others, recognizes “metaphor” (bi) and “allegory” (xing) in other texts.14 Incidentally his book also contains several mentions of “ornate use of words” (xiuci), the term that now translates “rhetoric” in China. Rules of Writing (Wenze) by Chen Kui (1128-1203) examines rhetorical devices used in various early Chinese texts, and is generally considered to be the first systematic account of Chinese rhetoric.15 Chen’s work was followed by many other books on the topic, such as A Guide to Composition (Wenzhang zhinan) edited by Gui Youguang (1506-1571).16 This tradition fully matured in the early twentieth century, when rhetoric in China became a recognized branch of learning. Chinese scholars started studying Western works of rhetoric and compiling inventories of rhetoric Chinese style. This led to hundreds of monographs, such as Zheng Dian and Tan Quanji’s A Compendium of Reference Materials for Ancient Chinese Rhetoric (Gu Hanyu xiucixue ziliao huibian); to monthly academic journals, such as Studying Rhetoric (Xiuci xuexi); to academic centers for the study of rhetoric, for instance at Fudan University in Shanghai; and to a national association and several regional and provincial organizations for the discipline.17 Scholars such as Liu Yameng elaborate on this long history of rhetorical reflections to show that it is easily as rich and diverse as that of the West.18 One problem with this approach is that all the sources under discussion (e.g. The Rules of Writing, A Guide to Composition) deal with writing. This is at odds with Western rhetoric which since its inception has focused on the spoken word. This has led to a view that Chinese narrowly limit rhetoric to stylistic devices in writing, perhaps not unlike de La Ramée, Talon, and other proponents of “secondary” rhetoric in the West. An interesting study by Wu Hui shows how Chinese students in the late nineteenth and early twentieth centuries first encountered Western rhetoric when they studied in Japan, where terms such as xiuci (“ornate use of words”) were used to translate rhetoric.19 Given that xiuci is traditionally associated with the written word, it is no wonder that Chinese scholars in the past century came to develop an understanding of rhetoric that differs markedly from that in the Western world. 3. Rhetoric in Early China Our goals in this issue of Extrême-Orient, Extrême-Occident are modest. We are not striving to find counterparts for Greek rhetorical figures in China, nor do we expect to lay bare a rich Chinese tradition of theorizing about rhetoric. Instead, we take rhetoric in its broad definition as a tool to inform, persuade, or motivate particular audiences, as we examine how this tool is discussed and employed in early Chinese texts. Through close reading of textual passages from the Warring States period to the Former Han dynasty (roughly the first five centuries bce) we explore methods or means of persuasion, such as “alienating rhetoric,” “rhetoric of treason,” or the rhetorical use of anecdotes—forms of rhetoric that are not necessarily congruous with Western rhetorical figures. In this way we hope to show how the masters of early China found unique ways of winning others to their views. The first two papers analyze the difficulties and dangers of political persuasion in early China. While influential thinkers such as Confucius tried to subjugate discourse to an ethical code and to certify a strict and appropriate relationship between words and deeds, they could not prevent the increasing intellectual and political influence of a new class of orators who, stripped of any moral attachment, consider persuasion from a purely strategic perspective. In the first paper, Albert Galvany shows the essential dynamics of the rhetorical techniques they use, as well as some of the most relevant attempts to neutralize and evade the persuasive capacity of orators, diplomats and counsellors. The latter indicates that game of political persuasion in early China was highly risky and often deadly. This is the topic of the next paper, by Romain Graziani, who identifies and evaluates contrasting attitudes among persuaders, ranging from cognitive optimism to moral pessimism, regarding the capacity of language to convince and influence the listener or improve his moral behavior. The next two articles deal with overt and covert rhetoric aimed at specific rulers and the ruling elites at large. One of the most overt (and absurd) forms of rhetoric in early China can be found in The Book of Lord Shang (Shangjunshu) by Shang Yang (d. 338 bce) and his disciples. That book at times adopts a radically alienating rhetoric, attacking ideas and values that were overwhelmingly respected by members of the educated elite. Several chapters deride fundamental moral norms, such as benevolence, righteousness, filiality, fraternal duty, trustworthiness, and honesty; they call for establishing a regime in which “scoundrels rule the good”; and they advocate military victory by performing “whatever the enemy is ashamed of.” In the third paper, Yuri Pines argues that the peculiar rhetoric and abusive language might have been designed so as to strengthen Shang Yang’s image as a daring and innovative thinker. An apposite example of covert rhetoric can be found in Records of the Historian (Shiji). In some passages of that book, the historian discusses aspects related to the rule of a sage. All aspects he mentions are related to measures taken by the contemporary ruler, Emperor Wu of the Han dynasty (r. 141-87 bce), thus implying that this emperor could scarcely be regarded as a sage ruler. Moreover, in these passages he even addresses later sages as his expected readers. This address to later sages has a parallel in an earlier text, The Gongyang Commentary (Gongyang zhuan), in a context that can be characterized as “inevitable treason.” By alluding to such “treasonous” rhetoric, Schaab-Hanke argues in the fourth paper, the author of Records of the Historian incurred the risk of being charged with high treason. The last two articles describe the use of historical anecdotes and political slogans as rhetorical tools. Early Chinese argumentative texts are full of historical anecdotes. These short accounts of events in Chinese history enhance the appeal of the text, but they also have an important rhetorical function in helping the reader understand, accept, and remember the arguments propounded in the text. The fifth paper examines the rhetorical function of historical anecdotes in two argumentative texts of the Western Han dynasty (202 bce-9 ce): Han’s Illustrations of the Odes for Outsiders (Han shi waizhuan) and The Master of Huainan (Huainanzi). These two texts found creative use for anecdotes, namely as illustrations of quotations from canonical sources. Through case studies of several combinations of anecdotes and quotations, the paper argues that the combinations serve to present the creators of these texts as beacons of knowledge with profound understanding of historical events and canonical literature, and with the necessary skills to fruitfully combine the two. The final paper focuses on the rhetorical expression “people as root” (min ben) in New Writings (Xin shu) ascribed to Jia Yi, a young prodigy active at the court of Emperor Wen (r. 179-157 bce). The paper shows that in New Writings the appeal to the people is due to its emotive connotation rather than signifying a concrete set of people-oriented policies. Here the term “people” becomes an instrument used to reassess the young Han imperial interests. The expression “people as root” is thus part of the strategy of Jia Yi’s political persuasion. Bibliography Bischoff, Friedrich Alexander (1976). Interpreting the fu: A Study in Chinese Literary Rhetoric. Wiesbaden, Franz Steiner Verlag. Burke, Kenneth (1950). A Rhetoric of Motives. New York, Prentice-Hall. Burke, Kenneth (1951). “Rhetoric-Old and New.” The Journal of General Education, no. 5.3: 202-209. Cai, Zong-Qi (ed.) (2001). A Chinese Literary Mind: Culture, Creativity, and Rhetoric in Wenxin diaolong. Stanford, Stanford University Press. Crump, James (1964). Intrigues of the Warring States: Studies of the Chan-kuo Ts’e. Ann Arbor, University of Michigan Press. Crump, James (1998). Legends of the Warring States: Persuasions, Romances, and Stories from Chan-kuo Ts’e. Ann Arbor, The University of Michigan Center for Chinese Studies. Crump, James and Dreher, John (1951). “Peripatetic Rhetors of the Warring Kingdoms.” Central States Speech Journal, no. 2: 15-17. Dance, Frank (1981). “The Tao of Speech.” Central States Speech Journal, no. 32: 207-211. Defoort, Carine (2000). “Review of Xing Lu’s Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century bce—A Comparison with Greek Rhetoric (Columbia, SC: University of South Carolina Press, 1998).” The Journal of Asian Studies, no. 59.3: 709-710. Defoort, Carine (2001). “Is there such a thing as Chinese philosophy? Arguments of an implicit debate.” Philosophy East and West, no. 51.3: 393-413. Dreher, John and Crump, James (1952). “Pre-Han persuasion: the Legalist School.” Central States Speech Journal, no. 3: 10-14. Garrett, Mary (1993). “Classical Chinese Rhetorical Conceptions of Argumentation and Persuasion.” Argumentation & Advocacy, no. 29.3: 105-115. Garrett, Mary (1993). “Pathos reconsidered from the Perspective of Classical Chinese Rhetorical Theories.” Quarterly Journal of Speech, no. 79: 13-39. Harbsmeier, Christopher (1999). “Chinese Rhetoric.,” T’oung Pao, no. 85: 114-126. Jensen, Vernon (1987). “Rhetoric of East Asia: A Bibliography.” Rhetoric Society Quarterly, no. 17: 213-231. Jensen, Vernon (1987). “Rhetorical Emphases of Taoism.” Rhetorica, no. 5.3: 219-229. Jensen, Vernon (1992). “Values and Practices in Asian Argumentation.” Argumentation and Advocacy, no.  28: 155-166. Kao, Karl (1986). “Rhetoric.” In Nienhauser, William H. (ed.), The Indiana Companion to Traditional Chinese Literature, Volume 1. Bloomington, Indiana University Press: 121-137. Kao, Karl (1993). “Recent Studies of Chinese Rhetoric.” Chinese Literature: Essays, Articles, Reviews, no. 15: 143-154. Kennedy, George (1957). “The Ancient Dispute over Rhetoric in Homer.” The American Journal of Philosphy, no. 78.1: 23-35. Kennedy, George (1963). The Art of Persuasion in Greece. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Kennedy, George (1984). New Testament Interpretation through Rhetorical Criticism. Chapel Hill, N.C., The University of North Carolina Press. Kennedy, George (1994). A New History of Classical Rhetoric. Princeton, Princeton University Press. Kennedy, George (1999). Classical Rhetoric and its Christian and Secular Tradition from Ancient to Modern Times. Chapel Hill, N.C., The University of North Carolina Press. Kirkpatrick, Andy (1995). “Chinese Rhetoric—Methods of Argument.” Multilingua, no. 14.3: 271-295. Kirkpatrick, Andy (2005). “China’s First Systematic Account of Rhetoric: An Introduction to Chen Kui’s Wen ze.” Rhetorica, no. 23: 103-152. Kirkpatrick, Andy and Xu, Zhichang (2012). Chinese Rhetoric and Writing: An Introduction for Language Teachers. Fort Collins, The WAC Clearinghouse. Liu, Yameng (1996). “To Capture the Essence of Chinese Rhetoric: An Anatomy of a Paradigm in Comparative Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Review, no. 14.2: 318-335. Lu, Xing (1998). Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century bce. Columbia, University of South Carolina Press. Lu, Xing (2002). “Comparative Studies of Chinese and Western Rhetorics: Reflections and Challenges.” In Wenshen Jia, Xing Lu, and D. Ray Heisey (eds), Chinese Communication Theory and Research. Westport, Ablex: 105-120. Lu, Xing and Frank, David (1993). “On the Study of Ancient Chinese Rhetoric/Bian 辯.” Western Journal of Communication, no. 57: 445-463. Mao, LuMing (2007). “Studying the Chinese Rhetorical Tradition in the Present: Re-presenting the Native’s Point of View.” College English, no. 69.3: 216-237. Mao, LuMing (2010). “Searching for the Way: Between the Whats and Wheres of Chinese Rhetoric.” College English, no. 72.4: 329-349. Oliver, Robert (1961). “The Rhetorical Implications of Taoism.” Quarterly Journal of Speech, no. 47: 27-35. Oliver, Robert (1969). “The Rhetorical Tradition in China: Confucius and Mencius.” Communication Quarterly, no. 17: 3-8. Oliver, Robert (1971). Communication and Culture in Ancient India and China. Syracuse, Syracuse University Press. Perelman, Chaïm (1977). L’Empire rhétorique. Rhétorique et argumentation. Paris, Librairie hilosophique J. Vrin. Perelman, Chaïm and Olbrechts-Tyteca, Lucie (1969). The New Rhetoric. A Treatise on Argumentation. Notre Dame, University of Notre Dame. Reynolds, Beatrice (1969). “Lao Tzu: Persuasion Through Inaction and Non-speaking.” Communication Quarterly, no. 17: 23-25. Sanft, Charles (2002). “Review of Xing Lu’s Rhetoric in Ancient China, Fifth to Third Century bce—A Comparison with Greek Rhetoric (Columbia, SC, University of South Carolina Press, 1998).” Quarterly Journal of Speech, no. 2002.2: 144-146. Schiappa, Edward (1999). The Beginning of Rhetorical Theory in Classical Greece. New Haven, Yale University Press. Unger, Ulrich (1994). Rhetorik des klassischen Chinesisch. Wiesbaden, Harrassowitz Verlag. Wu, Hui (2009). “Lost and Found in Transnation: Modern Conceptualization of Chinese Rhetoric.” Rhetoric Review, no.  28.2: 148-166. Xu, George (2004). “The Use of Eloquence: The Confucian Perspective.” In Lipson, Carol and Binkley, Roberta (eds), Rhetoric Before and Beyond the Greeks. Albany, State University of New York Press: 115-130. Glossary bi 比 bian 辯 Chen Kui 陳騤 fu 婦 Gongyang zhuan 公羊傳 Gui Youguang 歸有光 Han Feizi 韓非子 Han shi waizhuan 韓詩外傳 Huainanzi 淮南子 Jia Yi 賈誼 Liu Xie 劉勰 min ben 民本

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Revue Extrême-Orient - Extrême-Occident
Nombre de pages : 220
Langue : anglais
Paru le : 12/10/2012
EAN : 9782842923525
Première édition
CLIL : 4036 Asie
Illustration(s) : Non
Dimensions (Lxl) : 220×155 mm
Version papier
EAN : 9782842923525

Version numérique
EAN : 9782842923785

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